Sykesville Md roofers

Moving right along this week so far. A few rain drops this am meant a late start but with it staying lighter later that is okay. We finished up this Sykesville job early yesterday. It helps when you only have to change 3 sheets of plywood.

Happy Friday

On Wednesday we installed the Landmark Pewter shingle and it looked great. Yesterday in Ellicott City we installed the Landmark PRO Max Def Pewter and again it looked great. Think that may be my second favorite color.

Olney Md Roofers

Moving right along today in Montgomery County. Working on two houses again today. This one is in Olney MD and it looks like they are finishing up early.


What a great week. Only a bit of rain in the begging and beautiful ever since. We installed two Landmark Lifetime PRO shingles this week. Both are looking great.

Laurel’s Roofers

 This Prince George’s home was just purchased by a new home owner. Now he has a brand new roof and no worries about leaks. Congratulations on the purchase