What a bad week of weather!! Finally back to work on Friday. doing two jobs today. One in Columbia… and one in Sykesville. Check back to see the finished product! And I hope everyone is wearing their purple!!!!
New Roof in Ijamsville
Today we are doing another tear off and replacement! 3:30pm – All done and looks great!!
Glenelg Re-roofing
Before After
Carroll County Roofing
Happy Purple Friday from Westminster! Check back to see the results! Another great job!!
Ellicott City Roof Replacement
Happy New Year! We hope everyone had an exceptional holiday and that you are sticking to those resolutions! We are back to the grind in Ellicott City, tearing off and replacing a roof. Check back to see the transformation!! All done, looking good!
Columbia Tear Off
Today we are in Columbia, tearing off and replacing. Check back to see the end result!
Thoughts and Prayers
Our thoughts and prayers go out to the families of the victims in the shooting today. I can't imagine what they are going thru at this difficult time. We send lots of love their way.
Replacing Roof in Columbia
Today we are on the same street as yesterday replacing yet another roof. Check back!! All done!!!
Tear off and replacement in Columbia
Happy Thursday!! Only 12 more shopping days!! Tearing old roof off this morning. Check back to see the transformation! All done!!
Columbia New Roof
12/12/12 – Hope this day was lucky for everyone!!! Tearing off old roof in Columbia. All done, looks great!