Ellicott City on this Dreary Day

Happy Monday everyone!!   I guess everyone is getting ready for back to school days, some of us happy and some sad the days of summer are over.  Hope everyone starts out a great year!   So this morning we are in Ellicott City, in howard county.  Doing a tear off and replacement. Check back […]

Comman Pipe Collar Gasket Repair

In this first picture you can see the deteriated pipe collar gasket, which caused this customer to have a leak. Here we are applying Vulkem Roof Sealent around the pipe before installing the new pipe collar gasket.   Here is the deteriated pipe collar gasket fixed after a new rain collar is installed.

NO Roof today, Rain on the way

Just doing some repairs today!   Want to say congrats to Michael Phelps and the women's gymnastic team for the gold medals they won yesterday!!  Also, Phelps being the most decorated Olympic athlete is pretty amazing!!!    


I hope everyone is supporting the USA Team in London!  I love watching the Olympics its so exciting!!   We are in Elkridge, MD tearing off an almost 150 year old house's roof, this house used to serve as the ground keppers house for the Hunt Club. 7:39am – Before Check back to see the […]

Columbia Roof Tear off and Replacement

Good Morning from Howard County and what a beautiful day we have today!!!  Get out there and enjoy it!!   8:00am – Tear off is going smoothly!!  Check back!!   10:53am – Moving right along and look at that sky!! Beautiful Check back