Lots of new roofs installed this week in Marriottsville, Mt. Airy, Ellicott City, Clarksville, and Woodbine, before and after the snow.#certainteed #weatheredwood #charcoalblack #moireblack #burntsienna
DWM Roofing Does Gutters, Too!
Nice shot of a new roof and gutters we installed in West Friendship. #dwmhappy
5 Days In A Row of Nice Weather- What!?
It felt so good to be able to work for 5 days in a row this week. We’re working our way through Carroll and Howard counties this week, installing new roofs as the weather cooperates. #ellicottcity #mtairy
Tornado Damaged Roofs Replaced at Mt Airy’s Twin Arch Storage Facility
New roofs replaced at #twinarchstorage in Mt. Airy between snowflakes this week. They were damaged by the tornado a while back. More roofs to do once the snow decides to go away.
New Carports at Fairhaven Integrace
We completed new roofs on a few of the carports at #fairhaven #integracethis week. They are good to go for a long time now with no worries.
Now- Melt!
The snow can’t stop us completely! We got a few houses finished this week between storms. #woodbine #dwmhappy
CertainTeed Landmark Pro Max Def Shingles
Despite the wind we were still able to install a few roofs this week. CertainTeed Landmark Pro Max Def style shingles seem to be very popular this week. Looking good in Moire Black & Pewterwood.
Happy Holidays!
Things are bustling around here as we are busy installing new roofs just in time for Christmas! It has been a great week. We’d like to wish all our loyal clients a very Happy Holiday and New Year! Thank you for a wonderful 2018!
Looking Snazzy Just in Time for the Holidays!
The weather has been kind to us this week. We were able to get so many roofs installed. We’ve been all over Montgomery, Frederick, Howard, and Carroll Counties; looking great, just in time for the holidays! #dwmhappy
We Love Cooperating Weather
Wonderful week to get lots accomplished. Our crews have been busy, busy, busy! Next week’s weather forecast looks promising as well. #checkingthingsoffourlist #feelsgreat