It’s been a cold, blustery week to say the least. The wind and rain have made it challenging to schedule installations. Luckily, we have the best install crews and they were able to power through and get lots of new roofs on. Good job, guys! #toughenough #nomorewind #dwmhappy
This week we were thankful to be able to replace so many roofs for our clients. The weather was mostly cooperative.and allowed us to get lots accomplished. We hope all our customers had a wonderful Thanksgiving with their families and friends.
What a Week
What a week! These new DWM roofs were installed in Carroll and Howard counties this week. We’re back at it again today. #alittlesnowwontstopus #shovelingsowecankeepgoing #dwmhappy
Enough With the Rain Already
3 rainy days this week definitely put a damper on productivity. We are making the best of it and have been hard at work when the weather has allowed. #onedayatatime #enoughwiththerainalready #wejustwanttowork
Not Just Happy, DWM Happy!
Marriottsville, Columbia, Mt. Airy, Laytonsville, Sykesville, Woodbine, and New Windsor-we’ve been all over the place this week installing new roofs. We’re working hard to make our clients #dwmhappy
Another Productive Week
We had another productive week, barely squeezed in before this afternoon’s predicted rain. No complaining here, we’ll take it.
A New Roof in 30 Seconds!
Thanks to our recent client who shared his video of us replacing his roof. He captured video from the whole day, start to finish, condensed it into 30 seconds and sent it to us! Super cool. Thank you.
Happy Fall Y’all
Happy Friday! We only lost one day to the rain this week and we’ve replaced lots of new roofs. We are working our way down our waiting list. It’s nice that the weather is finally cooperating. #fallweather #happyfallyall
Feels Like Fall
Full steam ahead! We’ve been super busy this week.
Shouting From the Hills
We feel like shouting from the hills; a whole week with no (daytime) rain and how awesome it was! We were able to install many new roofs. Here are just a few of the roofs we have completed this week in Westminster, Columbia, Clarksville, Woodbine, Mt. Airy, Marriottsville, and Ellicott City. Ahhh…